- Southend Insights - Council-run portal with analysis and data about the Borough of Southend-on-Sea, its residents and communities.
- Business Southend - a new one-stop shop that aims to support Southend businesses
- Business-on-Sea - in-depth business resource pages on the official Visit Southend tourism website
- Southend Council - detailed business information and resources from the council's website
- Southend Town Centre Partnership
- South East Local Enterprise Partnership
- Essex Chambers of Commerce
- Essex Federation of Small Businesses
- London Southend Airport
- University of Essex Business Hub - a purpose-built facility in Southend that can offer you and your organisation a wide range of support services, all of which are specifically designed to help you sustain and grow your business
- Invest Essex - official Essex County Council website
- OnSouthend - visiting and shopping in Southend
- BEST growth hub
Southend Council services:-
- Business Rates - 01702 215001 Business Regulations Team – 08454 040506/[email protected] or click here to visit their website
- Enterprise and Innovation – 01702 215000/[email protected]
- Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing – 01702 215005
- Highways Maintenance Team – 01702 215003
- Planning – 01702 215004
- Procurement – 01702 215000
- Street Scene and Waste Management – 01702 215006
- Town Centre Management Team – 01702 215000
- Traffic and Transportation Team – 01702 215004
- The Health and Safety Team – 01702 215005