The award from the Housing Infrastructure Fund is the third largest single allocation of 134 awards made across the country, and is one of thirteen across the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) area that will receive a share of more than £82m.
The funding is being allocated to areas to help get housing projects off the ground and fund infrastructure projects linked to them. In Southend-on-Sea’s case the funding will be used to carry out the proposed highways changes as part of the overall redevelopment.
Cllr Ann Holland, Executive Councillor for Culture, Tourism and the Economy, says: “This is fantastic news for all involved. Once again we continue to punch above our weight when it comes to making the case for and securing national funding.
“This funding would allow us to fully deliver the ambitious proposals that we have for the Queensway site and the associated infrastructure required in partnership with the private sector. We want a development made up of high quality housing, a better living environment and a better place for people to enjoy and this funding will help us to realise that ambition.
“The fact we have secured the second largest allocation out of 134 bids being funded highlights the hard work and dedication of our officer team and partners, but also the confidence in our plans and in Southend-on-Sea as an investment location.”
The council’s bid was endorsed by the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) and the Opportunity South Essex Board.
Christian Brodie, Chairman of SELEP, said: “Each of the 13 schemes, championed by the respective council's and endorsed by SELEP, will make an important contribution to the delivery of new homes.
“Having secured nearly £1 in every £10 of the £866m earmarked to support local housing projects, it clearly shows the Government recognises the role our area can play in helping to fix the broken housing market.”
A detailed report on the Better Queensway project will be presented to the council’s cabinet on Tuesday 13 February, including an update on the public consultation and the next steps to find a joint venture partner.