Kemsley LLP have been appointed by Henry Boot Developments Limited to market the £150m "Airport Business Park Southend", a joint venture between them and Southend Council.
Proposed plans for the 1 million square foot development include space for advanced technology businesses, hi-specification office space, a new Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Medical Technology (Med Tech) campus, an innovation centre and a hotel. The development is expected to attract occupiers from the medical, aviation, advanced engineering and manufacturing sectors.
Cllr John Lamb, Leader of Southend Council, says: “I am very pleased that this project continues to move forwards. Infrastructure works are due to commence in the autumn and the pace is really starting to pick up with this appointment.
“This project offers a once in a generation opportunity to bring in significant private sector investment and generate thousands of new jobs in attractive, modern business premises in the area around London Southend Airport. We are delighted that we have also been successful in levering £3.2m of Local Growth Fund funding from the South East Local Enterprise Partnership to help kick start the project.”
The site is located to the north-west corner of the airport and comprises circa 52 acres of developable land. Outline planning consent has already been achieved for 1 Million sq. ft. of commercial floor space, made up of 55% B1 offices, 35% B2 manufacturing use and a further 5% ancillary uses including retail and a hotel. Infrastructure works are due to commence in the autumn following successful resolution of final planning conditions.