The hugely successful show, whose previous celebrity guests have included Usain Bolt, Orlando Bloom and Kate Hudson, will be recording throughout September.
So if you like delicious food and celebrities get an application form by emailing
All applicants must be 18 years or over and be legally resident in the UK. Terms and conditions apply. You can only apply once, so please only send one completed application form. Not all applicants will be contacted beyond the additional application form.
You will need to make your own travel and accommodation arrangements to get to the location in Southend-on-Sea. No travel or accommodation costs will be covered by the production company.
Due to the location being over a mile out to sea, on the end of Southend Pier, you must be able to make your own way to the end of the pier in the event of the pier train being out of service.
Your application will be received by a member of Fresh One Productions and they will contact you directly. Fresh One Productions will process your personal data in accordance with their privacy policy.