Southend Borough and Rochford District Councils are asking for views on amendments they are proposing to the London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) in response to extensive public consultation and a subsequent public examination by a Government inspector.
The plan includes policies for developing the airport and new business space, which together could create thousands of much needed jobs for the area. It also includes environment enhancements as well as transport improvements and regeneration proposals.
This final stage of consultation aims to ensure that anyone who commented on the Plan at the previous stage has an opportunity to consider whether the proposed modifications deal with their concerns. All those who submitted representations at the last stage will be directly invited to comment. However, anyone may comment on the proposed changes if they wish. The Inspector has made clear that he will only be considering comments on the modifications, and not other aspects of the plan.
The councils are inviting comments on the modifications from now until midday on September, 25, 2014.
Southend Borough Council’s Executive Councillor for Regulatory Control, Mike Assenheim, said: “Developing the area around the London Southend Airport is critical to our plans to boost the economies of Southend and Rochford by attracting investment and creating much needed jobs.
“We’re determined to make sure that our proposals are the best possible fit for Southend and Rochford, which is why we’ve listened carefully to the views of the residents, business and community groups who have already taken part in the consultation to date.
“As a result of that consultation, several changes have been made to the plan. We now want to know if these changes have addressed the issues people have raised. These will be taken into account before the Inspector issues his Final Report on the plan.”
Rochford District Council’s portfolio holder responsible for Planning, Councillor Ian Ward, said: “The consultation process surrounding the JAAP is crucial because it ensures people’s opinions are taken into account.
“These opinions have been sought at every stage of the process, and now we are asking people to tell us what they think of the Government inspector’s suggested amendments.
“The premise of the JAAP is that we need to make the most of the opportunities presented by the regeneration of London Southend Airport, in the interests of local residents and businesses. It is envisaged that the Plan will create in the region of 6,000 jobs, while also bringing forward improvements to the surrounding infrastructure. The Plan has already helped us secure funding through SELEP (the South East Local Enterprise Partnership) for major road improvements that will benefit both the Southend Borough and the Rochford District.”
The Schedule of Modifications is available to view on the Councils’ website (see under ‘In Focus’), at Council offices or in local libraries. Comments on the proposed modifications can be made through the online consultation system at this link: or on the official representation form which can be obtained from Council offices or phone 01702 318191.
The next stage will be for the Government Inspector to produce his final report. If this is found to be sound, it will then be for the two councils to adopt the JAAP through Full Council.
The schedule of amendments can be downloaded from the links below: